Tuesday, August 4, 2009

summer weddings

wedding fever! it's catching...


sunnysblog@gmail.com said...


The red shoes have that pop of color... gotta get me some of those..
AND I love the yellow scarf/wrap!!
Must get one of those as well.

xoxo katie xoxo said...

thanks! i've got to say the red shoes are super comfy as well - sofft brand, got them from zappos.

red.house said...

I spot a cute little green bag.....I think I've seen that somewhere before.
Love the outfit katie. okay, You've inspired me, I gotta get some colorful outfits up here. soon, I promise.

xoxo katie xoxo said...

yes! that's the bag you gave me my presents in :)
it has also inspired me to start sewing some little accessories... stay tuned. i'll post them one day soon.

Jack said...

I love to see those hidden faces..Thats a great photography...

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